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Annual report 2021-22

There’s power behind passion

One should never underestimate the power of passion. It can move mountains.

At the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, we see passion everywhere and every day. We see it in a dedicated Hospital team member who’s going above and beyond for a patient family. In a volunteer who’s giving their time to an event for the 10th straight year. We see it in a Foundation employee who’s driving out of town to visit and thank a long-time donor. In a Stollery parent who’s advocating on behalf of their six-month-old child who’s lying in intensive care. In a donor who’s making a generous donation because the Stollery saved the life of their teenage granddaughter. Passion sparks action.

One definition of passion is, “intense emotion compelling action”. Doing what’s best for kids cannot be void of emotion. Our donors tell us all the time why they give. Why children’s health is a priority for them. Why being a monthly donor matters to them. Why attending our events has become an annual tradition for them and their family. Why building a new children’s hospital in Edmonton matters now more than ever. Why donating to help advance care for kids in northern Alberta and beyond is part of their company’s DNA. There’s clearly passion behind purpose.

We’re so fortunate to have such passionate community partners and healthcare providers here in Alberta. As you’ll see in this annual report, these partners demonstrate, through their actions, why children’s health remains a priority and why continued investments by donors help to keep the Stollery at its best.

Thank you for taking the time to read our report and for demonstrating your passion when it comes to advancing children’s health.

Mike House, MBA, ICD.D
President and CEO
Kelly Blackett
Chair, board of trustees
Noah Jones
Past Chair, board of trustees

Read about all we achieved together and view the donor listing in our 2021-22 annual report.

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stollery annual report power of passion web carousel


Audited financial statement - year ended March 31, 2022