New point-of-care ultrasound machine improves Stollery care for the whole family


Each year, generous community members make it possible for the Foundation to purchase much-needed specialized pediatric equipment, such as the RS85 Prestige point-of-care ultrasound machine which helps gastroenterologists diagnose and monitor many liver and inflammatory bowel diseases.

The diagnosis and monitoring of many GI conditions typically requires patients to have a scope, an uncomfortable and invasive procedure that takes several days to prepare for.  A scope involves many health-care professionals and requires general anesthesia, which can be traumatic and more invasive for the child. The point-of-care ultrasound machine at the Stollery gastroenterology clinic reduces the need for scopes in kids, while also reducing wait times for families who get to see and hear results in real time from their doctor, without leaving the examination room. This also leaves room for practitioners to have more patient visits per day and reduce wait times. 

Where your money goes: point-of-care ultrasound machine