RE/MAX Miracle Agents give hope with every transaction


Not only does a Miracle Agent help navigate the real estate market, but they also generously donate a portion of their commissions to the Stollery. In 2022, RE/MAX agents celebrated more than 30 years of supporting children’s health across Canada, with agents from northern Alberta making sure kids across Western Canada have access to world-class Stollery care.

RE/MAX is a partner through Children’s Miracle Network. Over the last 30 years, these agents have given more than $7.5 million!

Some say home is where the heart is, but RE/MAX Miracle Home Agents know that HOPE is where the heart is. Next time you see a for sale or for lease sign sporting the RE/MAX Miracle Home or Commercial logo, you’ll know that realtor is making a difference for Stollery kids from backyards across Alberta.

Every time a RE/MAX agent makes a donation, they're making a life-changing difference for Stollery kids and their families.
– Angela Bennett, senior development officer, Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation
Thank you RE/MAX