Stollery care at the click of a mouse
With donor support, we’re raising $3 million over five years toward the Stollery Centre for Virtual Health to expand virtual health care at the Stollery and forever change how urgent, expert Stollery care is delivered in our province and beyond.

Imagine your child needs hundreds of checkups each year, but they’re too sick to go inside the hospital for appointments.
That’s the reality for Amanda and her daughter, Amber.
“In 2023, Amber had 154 appointments,” says Amanda. “When virtual health at the Stollery became a necessity, we were incredibly grateful that this service was available.”
Amber has faced many challenges in her young life. Stomach pain, persistent viruses and subluxation or partial dislocation of her joints and organs within her body. In 2019, Stollery doctors diagnosed Amber with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which led to other serious diagnoses in the years to follow. Viruses are particularly unsafe given Amber’s weakened condition, so Amanda says they rely on virtual care as often as possible.
“We had at least three-to-four virtual appointments a month for the first year or so, and now we do a mixture of in-person and virtual. Amber’s neurologist, gastroenterologist, chronic pain team, pediatrician, gynecologist, psychologist, and in some cases, physio, are all able to stay in contact without the need for us to venture inside the Stollery unless absolutely necessary,” says Amanda.
Studies show that kids recover quicker, both physically and emotionally, when they’re close to home. Virtual health services are also becoming more vital in today’s world. They provide a lifeline to those who are isolated or living in underserved areas, and the Stollery wants to be at the forefront of that change.
With donor support, we’re raising $3 million over five years toward the Stollery Centre for Virtual Health to expand virtual health care at the Stollery and forever change how urgent, expert Stollery care is delivered in our province and beyond.