Your generous gifts at work


We asked for your support to purchase a CATSmart Continuous Autotransfusion System for patients at the Stollery, and you made it happen.

The CATSmart is a cutting-edge blood transfusion system that collects the patient’s own blood that is shed during surgery, cleans it and then returns it back into the patient’s body. Essentially, it recycles a patient’s blood rather than using a blood transfusion from someone else. Not only does this free up more units of blood for others who require transfusions, but it also decreases the chances of adverse blood transfusion reactions. In addition, it’s a more inexpensive way of providing blood products to patients than utilizing the blood bank.

The Stollery’s surgery and operative services team uses the CATSmart Continuous Autotransfusion System approximately 8-10 times per month. It’s an instrumental piece of equipment that is both cost-effective and efficient, used primarily in cases of spinal surgeries and occasionally in hip reconstruction and multiple-trauma situations.

Last year, the CATSmart helped as many as 120 Stollery patients. Thank you for making this possible.