Stollery sites
World-class Stollery care doesn’t just happen at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. Thanks to our donors, we’re bringing the Stollery level of care into backyards across northern Alberta.
Did you know there are Stollery sites beyond the four walls of the Stollery Children’s Hospital?

The Stollery Children’s Hospital
The Stollery opened in 2001, built within the existing walls of the Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre, sharing space with the University of Alberta Hospital. With many improvements and innovations since it opened in 2001, the Hospital is home to the only pediatric emergency department in northern Alberta, the David Schiff Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the Hiller Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, the Labonte Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and many more spaces that house the Stollery’s world-class care.

The Stollery at the Royal Alexandra Hospital
The 69-bed Stollery Philip C. Etches Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), located at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, is one of the largest tertiary perinatal-neonatal centres in Canada. Each year, as many as 1,504 babies and their families benefit from this NICU, which provides care to critically ill newborns, most of whom are born prematurely.

The Stollery at the Sturgeon Community Hospital
In October 2019, a six-bed Stollery NICU opened at the Sturgeon Community Hospital. This unit allows families from St. Albert and surrounding areas to receive critical medical care for their premature babies without having to transfer to an Edmonton hospital. This keeps families closer to home — where they heal best. Each year, this NICU helps as many as 395 tiny Stollery patients and their families.
In addition to the Stollery sites listed above, we’re committed to helping more kids get care closer to home, which is why we’ve invested in state-of-the-art pediatric equipment, a youth mental health unit and family-centred care programs at the new Grande Prairie Regional Hospital.
“I’m happy to see the innovations and expert practices the Stollery is known for incorporated into the Stollery NICU at the Sturgeon Community Hospital.”
– Lisa Lenuik, Stollery patient care manager with the Stollery Neonatal Intensive Care program at the Sturgeon Community Hospital site